Immunity Canvas 7.26 [Leaked Download]

“Canvas是ImmunitySec出品的一款安全漏洞检测工具。它包含几百个以上的漏洞利用。对于渗透测试人员来说,Canvas是比较专业的安全漏洞利用工具。Canvas 也常被用于对IDS和IPS的检测能力的测试。Canvas目前已经使用超过700个的漏洞利用,在兼容性设计也比较好,可以使用其它团队研发的漏洞利用工具,例如使用Gleg, Ltd’s VulnDisco 、 the Argeniss Ultimate0day 漏洞利用包。”


2021年03月02日,Twitter上一位安全研究员披露了Immunity CANVAS 7.26工具源码包泄露事件 


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========================= IDA-Pro Key Generator ========================

Use this program to make your IDA-Pro copy look legit or to increase the
number of seats for your license.

I used to support IDA a long time ago but they have exponentially increased
the prices of their products and insisted on a yearly subscription based
payment. Without an active plan one can’t even access the IDA forum.

So I’ve continued to use IDA-Pro and for the last 20 years I had every
single version either leaked or “borrowed” from friends with my own
generated licenses.

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错误应用程序名称: jdk-8u271-windows-x64.exe,版本: 8.0.2710.9,时间戳: 0x5f627c6a
错误模块名称: baiducnTSF.dll_unloaded,版本: 5.5.5063.0,时间戳: 0x5e6a3130
异常代码: 0xc0000005
错误偏移量: 0x000000000001c81f
错误进程 ID: 0x49c8
错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01d6c65777e016e0
错误应用程序路径: C:\Users\obaby\AppData\Local\Temp\jds333500.tmp\jdk-8u271-windows-x64.exe
错误模块路径: baiducnTSF.dll
报告 ID: eb507998-894f-4a2d-a8b3-f608a5da24ab
错误程序包相对应用程序 ID: 
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Binary Ninja Personal 2.0.2097 dev + license (Windows + Linux + MacOS )

Binary Ninja is a reverse engineering platform. It focuses on a clean and easy to use interface with a powerful multithreaded analysis built on a custom IL to quickly adapt to a variety of architectures, platforms, and compilers.

Binary Ninja Personal 2.0.2097 dev + license (Windows + Linux)

Password: uKKT95ZmQ*KTsU

Binary Ninja Personal 2.0.2097-dev for MacOS

链接: 提取码: ga7u 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦访问码:fmt0)

IDA Pro v7.3(Hex-Rays Decompilers v7.0): A Team IRA Release

How to install ida+decompilers:
1) Install the provided setup. Simply double click on the executable and use
the provided password.
2) Copy the plugins directory to the installed directory.
3) copy the cfg directory to the installed directory.
4) try the dsync plugin provided. Open the file you wish to decompile, press f5 to decompile. Press ctrl-shft-s to sync decompiler and disassembler views. Select a linein the decompiler and the corresponding disassembly lines will be highlighted. For more info on this plugin google dsync git.

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