Get ASM Code For IDA Pro Source Code



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  1. 公主 Queen 
    Google Chrome 86 Google Chrome 86 Windows 10 Windows 10 cn山东省青岛市 联通


    //  File     : Get AsmCode.cpp
    //  Author   : obaby
    //  Date     : 14/06/2012
    //  Homepage :
    //  License  : Copyright ?2012 obaby@mars
    //  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
    //  implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable
    //  for any damages arising from the use of this software.
    #include "Get AsmCode.h"
    // Global Variables:
    int gSdkVersion;
    char gszVersion[]      = "";
    // Plugin name listed in (Edit | Plugins)
    char gszWantedName[]   = "Get AsmCode";
    // plug-in hotkey
    char gszWantedHotKey[] = "Shift+A";
    char *gszPluginHelp;
    char *gszPluginComment;
    bool GetKernelVersion(char *szBuf, int bufSize)
    	int major, minor, len;
    	get_kernel_version(szBuf, bufSize);
    	if ( qsscanf(szBuf, "%d.%n%d", &major, &len, &minor) != 2 )
    		return false;
    	if ( isdigit(szBuf[len + 1]) )
    		gSdkVersion = 100*major + minor;
    		gSdkVersion = 10 * (10*major + minor);
    	return true;
    bool GenerateAsmLines(ea_t saddr,ea_t eaddr)
    	int max_lines = 100;
    	char **myLines= new char *[max_lines];
    	int lnnum;
    	// Buffer that will hold the disassembly text
    	char buffer[MAXSTR];
    	// Store the disassembled text in buf
    	//generate_disasm_line(saddr, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
    	// This will appear as colour-tagged text (which will
    	// be mostly unreadable in IDA's Log window)
    	/*for (ea_t i = saddr;i <= eaddr; i += get_item_size(i))
    		char clean_buf[MAXSTR];
    		generate_disasm_line(i, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
    		msg("Line %0.2d: %s \n",i,clean_buf);
    	for (ea_t i = saddr;i <= eaddr; i += get_item_size(i))
    		char clean_buf[MAXSTR];
    		int nlines = generate_disassembly(i,myLines,max_lines,&lnnum,MAKELINE_STACK);
    		for ( int j=0; jendEA;
    	saddr = func->startEA;
    	msg("Function %s start at 0x%0.8X ,end at 0x%0.8X .\n",funcName,saddr,eaddr);
    	if (eaddr == BADADDR || saddr == BADADDR)
    		warning("Can't Get Function start or end address,plz check ur selection!\n");
    		goto __Faild;
    	idbpath = database_idb;
    	asmfile = strcat(idbpath,"_part.asm");
    	fp = qfopen(asmfile, "w");
    	gen_file(OFILE_ASM,fp,saddr,eaddr,0); //����asm�ļ�
    	msg("File is saved to :\n %s.\n",asmfile);
    	msg("Generate Asmfile Finished.\n");
    //	msg("All returned lines %d!\n",nlines);
    //  Uncomment the following code to allow plugin unloading.
    //  This allows the editing/building of the plugin without
    //  restarting IDA.
    //  1. to unload the plugin execute the following IDC statement:
    //        RunPlugin("Get AsmCode", 415);
    //  2. Make changes to source code and rebuild within Visual Studio
    //  3. Copy plugin to IDA plugin dir
    //     (may be automatic if option was selected within wizard)
    //  4. Run plugin via the menu, hotkey, or IDC statement
    // 	if (arg == 415)
    // 	{
    // 		PLUGIN.flags |= PLUGIN_UNL;
    // 		msg("Unloading Get AsmCode plugin...\n");
    // 	}
    //                         PLUGIN DESCRIPTION BLOCK
    plugin_t PLUGIN =
      0,              // plugin flags
      initPlugin,           // initialize
      termPlugin,           // terminate. this pointer may be NULL.
      runPlugin,            // invoke plugin
      gszPluginComment,     // comment about the plugin
      gszPluginHelp,        // multiline help about the plugin
      gszWantedName,        // the preferred short name of the plugin
      gszWantedHotKey       // the preferred hotkey to run the plugin


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