基于Emeditor的 Idc 脚本高亮显示模板

由于Crismon Editor不支持自动完成功能,根据它的高亮显示脚本重新编辑了一个Emeditor的高亮显示模板。猛击此处下载,下载后导入模板即可。 smile :)(话说这个纳米盘真的很恶心,死了就死了嘛,还保留着文件下载页面,保留就保留嘛,关键的是你妈的不能下载啊。那你留着干嘛啊,操!


Idc Script 高亮显示模板

高亮模板适用于Crimson Editor,相关模板下载:http://d.namipan.com/d/78ca2e1b34e68e0408d480a789e049cc90f36dd0d9170000


Crimson Editor Syntax definition files for the IDC scripting language
of the Interactive Disassembler IDA (http://www.datarescue.com)
extension.idc – Goes into Crimson Editor\link
idc.key – Goes into Crimson Editor\spec
idc.spc – Goes into Crimson Editor\spec
example.idc – Example file to test syntax highlighting
parse.pl – Used to parse the IDC.IDC file toproduce the biggest part of idc.key.

DailyPIM 4.1 Cracked by Obaby [修改为Loader模式,功能无缺失]

猛击此处下载程序!程序可能有自校验,修改后的代码虽能运行,但是不能保存文件,功能有缺失。没有跟踪自校验代码,改为loader模式,直接运行loader即可。 smile

DailyPIM is a wonderful software for personal information management(PIM), which brings a lot of convenience to your work and life when you deals with Diary,Document,Plan,Contacts,Notes,Email.

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