SmardDec v0.0.3 Plugin for IDA Pro


The main goal of the project is to implement a retargetable and highly modular native code to C/C++ decompiler using the latest research results in the field of decompilation.

On this website you can download a beta version of the decompiler or just check out some examples of its application. If you are interested in using SmartDec, please contact us.

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至于开源的东西,其实自己也蛮想做的。但是苦于技术水平不够,所以一直也没什么东西公布。刚开始的时候代码都是托管在Googlecode, 后来迁移到了github,但是苦于github不能创建私有项目,于是最后选择了bitbucket上,另外一个好处是可以绑定域名。于是以后有代码公布的话,可以访问这个网址访问