秀人美女网爬虫 【Windows】【22.12.03】

F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider\venv\Scripts\python.exe F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider\xrmnw.py 
Verson: 22.12.03
Blog: http://www.h4ck.org.cn
spider -h <help> -a <all> -q <search>
     -a <download all site images>
     -q <query the image with keywords>
     -h <display help text, just this>
Option Arguments:
     -p <image download path>
     -r <random index category list>
     -c <single category url>
     -e <early stop, work in site crawl mode only>
     -s <site url eg: http://www.xiurenji.vip (no last backslash "/")>

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Python 读写SVG ns0命名空间


SVG是一种图形文件格式,它的英文全称为Scalable Vector Graphics,意思为可缩放的矢量图形。它是基于XML(Extensible Markup Language),由World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)联盟进行开发的。严格来说应该是一种开放标准的矢量图形语言,可让你设计激动人心的、高分辨率的Web图形页面。用户可以直接用代码来描绘图像,可以用任何文字处理工具打开SVG图像,通过改变部分代码来使图像具有交互功能,并可以随时插入到HTML中通过浏览器来观看。

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WordPress 夜间模式

Going dark has become the new trend lately. Let your site shine with the captivating dark scheme. Through the eye-pleasing blueprint, you can enjoy the reading experience you’ve always been yearning for but have never been able to find.

DarkLooks WP dark mode plugin is supported by all major operating systems. This dark mode plugin looks up your preferences for your operating system based on your interest in using dark mode.


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Jeb 4.21 Crack

JEB is a reverse-engineering platform to perform disassembly, decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files, manually or as part of an analysis pipeline.



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PyCharm 代码自动补全插件体验




Kite 是一家成立于 2014 年的创业公司,主要从事于开发同名的人工智能编程助手,就类似于大家熟悉的 GitHub Copilot。Kite 最初仅支持 Python 和 JavaScript 这两种编程语言,在 2020 年年底,Kite 额外支持了 TypeScript、Java、Go、C、C#、Kotlin 等编程语言,支持的编程语言一下上升到 13 种。Kite 还支持 16 种编辑器 / IDE,其中包括 VS Code、IntelliJ、Vim、Sublime Text 等,在这一点上支持的范围要高于 GitHub Copilot。

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